Monday, March 7, 2011

1961 Kenmore and a Pillowcase Dress

This is my grandmother's 1961 Kenmore sewing machine that I inherited when we had to move her into an assisted living facility a few years ago. Now I am not a seamstress at fact I think I made a C on my shirt in home economics! My husband has made a few things here and there. Recently he made a hammock for hikers to use on the trail. We took it with us camping a couple of weekends ago and let Addison Claire try it out.

Did he stop here? No! He decided that sewing really isn't that hard and that he could make AC a pillowcase dress. He went to Walmart and bought a yard of inexpensive material, came home, made a pattern from another pillowcase dress and started sewing. In less than an hour, this was the finished product. Who says men can't sew? Seriously, this man can do anything! I think this is pretty good for someone who has only sewn a hammock and made some shopping bags playing around with the machine one day!

My contribution...the monogram! :)
Yes, we are in the market for a new machine! We are looking and comparing prices, features, etc. I'm pretty sure we'll have one soon. I'll probably stick to the appliqueing and monogramming until the new machine comes along. The 1961 Kenmore is too much of a dinosaur for me!

A little bit of randomness....Our daughter is 5 and has started making signs as a form of communication. This is her latest that she hung on the wall by the stairs to the bonus room. I absolutely love reading her notes and posters!

One last you remember the show, "The Facts of Life"? Well, AC got roller skates for Christmas from my sister and has never skated with them outside. However, she wears them most of the day and skates all over the house. She reminds me of Tootie! Of course, she doesn't like us to call her that because she thinks it's a word that isn't very kind (5 yr. old bad word). I snapped a picture of her in action tonight while I was cooking dinner.
And we've learned to snap!

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