Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Landon Alphabet Applique Shirt and More Bag Tags

Between my own daughter and my niece Sarah, they are going to be set with spring/summer attire. Sarah's shirt was made using the Landon alphabet applique. This is the first shirt I've done with this font. It turned out really cute.

I also sold my first two custom bag tags. Thanks Janet! I'm hoping these will be a good seller. They are totally made in the hoop and finished off with a satin stitch for a very nice look. I've got some really neat fabric coming in for just tags. They require a bit heavier type of fabric to allow for stiffness.

Here is a little sneak peek at some of the cute fabric I've got coming!


  1. Donna, I love these tags! I added you to the links on the side of my blog and thought about doing a post to advertise for you- would you mind? Not that I have too many readers... I think it's mainly my family, but I do have some friends who read that may want something!

    Hope you and AC are doing well!!!

  2. No, that would be great! I just added your site to my blog that I'm following. We are doing great!
